clsDB - error 1054: Unknown column 'S.URL_FRAGMENT' in 'on clause'Stack trace:
file line function args
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 480 get_stacktrace array ( )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 17 query clsDB [object] -> array ( 0 => ' select S.ID from DP_PRODUCT F inner join DP_PRODUCT S on S.ID_MASTER = F.ID and S.ID_LANGUAGE = F.ID_LANGUAGE and S.URL_FRAGMENT = \'terrassenueberdachungen\' where F.SHORTCUT = \'HL\' and F.ID_LANGUAGE = 1 ', )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 129 getFilialeProductRootId array ( 0 => 'HL', 1 => 'terrassenueberdachungen', )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 79 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) include_once
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 12 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) include
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 118 includeIfExists array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 3 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) include
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 329 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) include

Dump of SQL statement:
      select S.ID
      from DP_PRODUCT F
           inner join DP_PRODUCT S on S.ID_MASTER = F.ID and S.ID_LANGUAGE = F.ID_LANGUAGE and S.URL_FRAGMENT = 'terrassenueberdachungen'
      where F.SHORTCUT = 'HL'
        and F.ID_LANGUAGE = 1