clsDB - error 1226: User 'hemmler-link' has exceeded the 'max_queries_per_hour' resource (current value: 250000)Stack trace:
file line function args
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 480 get_stacktrace array ( )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 305 query clsDB [object] -> array ( 0 => 'select ID, case when IS_VALID = \'Y\' then \'Y\' else \'N\' end as IS_VALID, case when VALID_FROM is null or VALID_FROM <= now() then \'OK\' else \'N\' end as VALID_FROM, case when VALID_UNTIL is null or now() <= VALID_UNTIL then \'OK\' else \'N\' end as VALID_UNTIL from CMS_PAGE where FILENAME = \'index\'', )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 8 checkPageValidity USTCMS [object] -> array ( 0 => 'index', )
/var/www/customers/hemmler/ 329 array ( 0 => '/var/www/customers/hemmler/', ) include

Dump of SQL statement:
select ID,
                       case when IS_VALID = 'Y' then 'Y'
                            else 'N'
                       end as IS_VALID,
                       case when VALID_FROM is null or VALID_FROM <= now() then 'OK'
                            else 'N'
                       end as VALID_FROM,
                       case when VALID_UNTIL is null or now() <= VALID_UNTIL then 'OK'
                            else 'N'
                       end as VALID_UNTIL
                from CMS_PAGE
                where FILENAME = 'index'